
Represents a candidate system for \(\varphi\) and \(\Phi\) evaluation.

class pyphi.subsystem.Subsystem(network, state, nodes, cut=None, mice_cache=None, repertoire_cache=None, single_node_repertoire_cache=None, _external_indices=None)

A set of nodes in a network.

  • network (Network) – The network the subsystem belongs to.
  • state (tuple[int]) – The state of the network.
  • nodes (tuple[int] or tuple[str]) – The nodes of the network which are in this subsystem. Nodes can be specified either as indices or as labels if the Network was passed node_labels.
Keyword Arguments:

cut (Cut) – The unidirectional Cut to apply to this subsystem.


Network – The network the subsystem belongs to.


np.ndarray – The TPM conditioned on the state of the external nodes.


np.ndarray – The connectivity matrix after applying the cut.


tuple[int] – The state of the network.


tuple[int] – The indices of the nodes in the subsystem.


Cut – The cut that has been applied to this subsystem.


Cut – The cut object representing no cut.


tuple[Node] – The nodes in this Subsystem.


tuple[int] – The state of the subsystem.

proper_state[i] gives the state of the \(i^{\textrm{th}}\) node in the subsystem. Note that this is not the state of nodes[i].


np.ndarray – Alias for


int – The number of nodes in the subsystem.


boolTrue if this Subsystem has a cut applied to it.


tuple[int] – The nodes of this subsystem to cut for \(\Phi\) computations.

This was added to support MacroSubsystem, which cuts indices other than node_indices.


list[tuple[int]] – The mechanisms that are cut in this system.


int – The number of nodes in the TPM.


Report repertoire cache statistics.


Clear the mice and repertoire caches.


Return False if the Subsystem has no nodes, True otherwise.


Return whether this Subsystem is equal to the other object.

Two Subsystems are equal if their sets of nodes, networks, and cuts are equal.


Return whether this subsystem has fewer nodes than the other.


Return whether this subsystem has more nodes than the other.


Return the number of nodes in this Subsystem.


Return a JSON-serializable representation.


Return a cut version of this Subsystem.

Parameters:cut (Cut) – The cut to apply to this Subsystem.
Returns:The cut subsystem.
Return type:Subsystem

Return Node for these indices.

Parameters:indices (tuple[int]) – The indices in question.
Returns:The Node objects corresponding to these indices.
Return type:tuple[Node]
Raises:ValueError – If requested indices are not in the subsystem.

Returns the node labels for these indices.

cause_repertoire(mechanism, purview)

Return the cause repertoire of a mechanism over a purview.

  • mechanism (tuple[int]) – The mechanism for which to calculate the cause repertoire.
  • purview (tuple[int]) – The purview over which to calculate the cause repertoire.

The cause repertoire of the mechanism over the purview.

Return type:



The returned repertoire is a distribution over purview node states, not the states of the whole network.

effect_repertoire(mechanism, purview)

Return the effect repertoire of a mechanism over a purview.

  • mechanism (tuple[int]) – The mechanism for which to calculate the effect repertoire.
  • purview (tuple[int]) – The purview over which to calculate the effect repertoire.

The effect repertoire of the mechanism over the purview.

Return type:



The returned repertoire is a distribution over purview node states, not the states of the whole network.

repertoire(direction, mechanism, purview)

Return the cause or effect repertoire based on a direction.

  • direction (Direction) – PAST or FUTURE.
  • mechanism (tuple[int]) – The mechanism for which to calculate the repertoire.
  • purview (tuple[int]) – The purview over which to calculate the repertoire.

The cause or effect repertoire of the mechanism over the purview.

Return type:



ValueError – If direction is invalid.

unconstrained_repertoire(direction, purview)

Return the unconstrained cause/effect repertoire over a purview.


Return the unconstrained cause repertoire for a purview.

This is just the cause repertoire in the absence of any mechanism.


Return the unconstrained effect repertoire for a purview.

This is just the effect repertoire in the absence of any mechanism.

partitioned_repertoire(direction, partition)

Compute the repertoire of a partitioned mechanism and purview.

expand_repertoire(direction, repertoire, new_purview=None)

Distribute an effect repertoire over a larger purview.

  • direction (Direction) – PAST or FUTURE.
  • repertoire (np.ndarray) – The repertoire to expand.
Keyword Arguments:

new_purview (tuple[int]) – The new purview to expand the repertoire over. If None (the default), the new purview is the entire network.


A distribution over the new purview, where probability is spread out over the new nodes.

Return type:



ValueError – If the expanded purview doesn’t contain the original purview.

expand_cause_repertoire(repertoire, new_purview=None)

Same as expand_repertoire() with direction set to PAST.

expand_effect_repertoire(repertoire, new_purview=None)

Same as expand_repertoire() with direction set to FUTURE.

cause_info(mechanism, purview)

Return the cause information for a mechanism over a purview.

effect_info(mechanism, purview)

Return the effect information for a mechanism over a purview.

cause_effect_info(mechanism, purview)

Return the cause-effect information for a mechanism over a purview.

This is the minimum of the cause and effect information.

evaluate_partition(direction, mechanism, purview, partition, unpartitioned_repertoire=None)

Return the \(\varphi\) of a mechanism over a purview for the given partition.

  • direction (Direction) – PAST or FUTURE.
  • mechanism (tuple[int]) – The nodes in the mechanism.
  • purview (tuple[int]) – The nodes in the purview.
  • partition (Bipartition) – The partition to evaluate.
Keyword Arguments:

unpartitioned_repertoire (np.array) – The unpartitioned repertoire. If not supplied, it will be computed.


The distance between the unpartitioned and partitioned repertoires, and the partitioned repertoire.

Return type:

tuple[int, np.ndarray]

find_mip(direction, mechanism, purview)

Return the minimum information partition for a mechanism over a purview.

  • direction (Direction) – PAST or FUTURE.
  • mechanism (tuple[int]) – The nodes in the mechanism.
  • purview (tuple[int]) – The nodes in the purview.

The mininum-information partition in one temporal direction.

Return type:


mip_past(mechanism, purview)

Return the past minimum information partition.

Alias for find_mip() with direction set to PAST.

mip_future(mechanism, purview)

Return the future minimum information partition.

Alias for find_mip() with direction set to FUTURE.

phi_mip_past(mechanism, purview)

Return the \(\varphi\) of the past minimum information partition.

This is the distance between the unpartitioned cause repertoire and the MIP cause repertoire.

phi_mip_future(mechanism, purview)

Return the \(\varphi\) of the future minimum information partition.

This is the distance between the unpartitioned effect repertoire and the MIP cause repertoire.

phi(mechanism, purview)

Return the \(\varphi\) of a mechanism over a purview.

potential_purviews(direction, mechanism, purviews=False)

Return all purviews that could belong to the core cause/effect.

Filters out trivially-reducible purviews.

  • direction (Direction) – PAST or FUTURE.
  • mechanism (tuple[int]) – The mechanism of interest.
Keyword Arguments:

purviews (tuple[int]) – Optional subset of purviews of interest.

find_mice(direction, mechanism, purviews=False)

Return the maximally irreducible cause or effect for a mechanism.

  • direction (Direction) – :PAST or FUTURE.
  • mechanism (tuple[int]) – The mechanism to be tested for irreducibility.
Keyword Arguments:

purviews (tuple[int]) – Optionally restrict the possible purviews to a subset of the subsystem. This may be useful for _e.g._ finding only concepts that are “about” a certain subset of nodes.


The maximally-irreducible cause or effect in one temporal direction.

Return type:



Strictly speaking, the MICE is a pair of repertoires: the core cause repertoire and core effect repertoire of a mechanism, which are maximally different than the unconstrained cause/effect repertoires (i.e., those that maximize \(\varphi\)). Here, we return only information corresponding to one direction, PAST or FUTURE, i.e., we return a core cause or core effect, not the pair of them.

core_cause(mechanism, purviews=False)

Return the core cause repertoire of a mechanism.

Alias for find_mice() with direction set to PAST.

core_effect(mechanism, purviews=False)

Return the core effect repertoire of a mechanism.

Alias for find_mice() with direction set to PAST.


Return the \(\varphi^{\textrm{max}}\) of a mechanism.

This is the maximum of \(\varphi\) taken over all possible purviews.


Return the null concept of this subsystem.

The null concept is a point in concept space identified with the unconstrained cause and effect repertoire of this subsystem.

concept(mechanism, purviews=False, past_purviews=False, future_purviews=False)

Calculate a concept.

See pyphi.compute.concept() for more information.

pyphi.subsystem.mip_partitions(mechanism, purview)

Return a generator over all MIP partitions, based on the current configuration.

pyphi.subsystem.mip_bipartitions(mechanism, purview)

Return an generator of all \(\varphi\) bipartitions of a mechanism over a purview.

Excludes all bipartitions where one half is entirely empty, e.g:

 A     ∅
─── ✕ ───
 B     ∅

is not valid, but

 A     ∅
─── ✕ ───
 ∅     B


  • mechanism (tuple[int]) – The mechanism to partition
  • purview (tuple[int]) – The purview to partition


Where each bipartition is:

bipart[0].mechanism   bipart[1].mechanism
─────────────────── ✕ ───────────────────
bipart[0].purview     bipart[1].purview


>>> mechanism = (0,)
>>> purview = (2, 3)
>>> for partition in mip_bipartitions(mechanism, purview):
...     print(partition, '\n')  
 ∅     0
─── ✕ ───
 2     3

 ∅     0
─── ✕ ───
 3     2

 ∅     0
─── ✕ ───
2,3    ∅
pyphi.subsystem.wedge_partitions(mechanism, purview)

Return an iterator over all wedge partitions.

These are partitions which strictly split the mechanism and allow a subset of the purview to be split into a third partition, e.g.:

 A     B     ∅
─── ✕ ─── ✕ ───
 B     C     D

See PARTITION_TYPE in config for more information.

  • mechanism (tuple[int]) – A mechanism.
  • purview (tuple[int]) – A purview.

Tripartition – all unique tripartitions of this mechanism and purview.

pyphi.subsystem.all_partitions(mechanism, purview)

Returns all possible partitions of a mechanism and purview.

Partitions can consist of any number of parts.

  • mechanism (tuple[int]) – A mechanism.
  • purview (tuple[int]) – A purview.

KPartition – A partition of this mechanism and purview into k parts.